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Poudre de Taro

Poudre de Taro
Poudre de Taro
Poudre de Taro
Taro Powder
Taro Powder
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Poudre de Taro
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Poudre de Taro
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Poudre de Taro
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Taro Powder
  • Charger l'image dans la galerie, Taro Powder

Poudre de Taro

Prix normal
€18,99 (+ VAT)
Prix réduit
Prix normal
Prix unitaire

Les poudres de thé sont la base des bubble teas au tapioca, il est donc important de choisir une option de haute qualité et fiable pour garantir un goût délicieux et constant. The Inspire Food Company fournit des poudres de thé pour des millions de bubble teas depuis plus d'une décennie, et les clients apprécient particulièrement le goût de nos poudres de thé.

Cette poudre de thé au taro est notre saveur la plus populaire. Le taro est une patate douce originaire d'Asie du Sud-Est, avec un goût proche de celui des biscuits et une belle couleur violette. Notre taro est basé sur des ingrédients naturels et a un goût excellent !

Ingrédients et colorants naturels
Production de haute qualité et constante aux Pays-Bas, pour une expérience fiable et agréable
Conformité totale avec les certifications et réglementations de l'UE
Ajustez la quantité de poudre de thé dans les boissons selon vos préférences gustatives

Options de tailles pour la vente au détail et en gros :

  • Sac de 1 kg : +/- 30 portions (basé sur 30 g par tasse de 500 ml)
  • Carton de 20 x 1 kg sacs : +/- 600 portions (basé sur 30 g par tasse de 500 ml)

Ingrédients : sucre, graisse végétale hydrogénée, lait écrémé en poudre, poudre de patate douce, amidon, arôme (LAIT), amidon de tapioca, fructose, anti-agglomérant (E551), extrait de patate douce violette, régulateur d'acidité (E331), stabilisant (E410), émulsifiant (E471).

Allergènes : Lait

Conservation : Conserver dans un endroit frais et à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil. Une fois ouvert, utiliser dans les 30 jours. Agiter avant l'utilisation.

Durée de conservation : 12 mois

Lieu de production : Pays-Bas


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Ray van der Heij
Good flavor, read the rest of the review.

I've bought this powder twice now and I can vouch for the SILVER COLOR BAG having good grade Taro powder, as is also mentioned in the ingredients list on the bag. The product listing however also shows a picture of a transparent bag that indeed does not mention Taro powder but 'sweet potato powder'. It could be that the sweet potato as mentioned is actually just Taro with a more generic description, but I cannot vouch for that, it could be actual sweet potato powder with added Taro flavor. I would like some sort of confirmation before I buy again, but it's not in stock now anyway. Still gave it 5 stars for when I bought it it was excellent (and you really should only review something when you've actually had it).

Cassandra Perrin

Doesn’t taste like Taro, more like biscuit…
Good but not what I expected so I’m disappointed

Taro in the name but no taro in the product


I thought about ordering the product but while browsing the ingredients i found no taro. This is a bit misleading. Seeling a product as Taro but there is no Taro inside.

Please excuse my harsh feedback but it was written in a moment of disappointment.

Kind regards,

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Ray van der Heij
Good flavor, read the rest of the review.

I've bought this powder twice now and I can vouch for the SILVER COLOR BAG having good grade Taro powder, as is also mentioned in the ingredients list on the bag. The product listing however also shows a picture of a transparent bag that indeed does not mention Taro powder but 'sweet potato powder'. It could be that the sweet potato as mentioned is actually just Taro with a more generic description, but I cannot vouch for that, it could be actual sweet potato powder with added Taro flavor. I would like some sort of confirmation before I buy again, but it's not in stock now anyway. Still gave it 5 stars for when I bought it it was excellent (and you really should only review something when you've actually had it).

Cassandra Perrin

Doesn’t taste like Taro, more like biscuit…
Good but not what I expected so I’m disappointed

Taro in the name but no taro in the product


I thought about ordering the product but while browsing the ingredients i found no taro. This is a bit misleading. Seeling a product as Taro but there is no Taro inside.

Please excuse my harsh feedback but it was written in a moment of disappointment.

Kind regards,